Local roots

At home in Monstein

In the heart of the village

About the Walser village of Monstein

Monstein: a typical Walser village located 1,625 metres above sea level on a sun-kissed mountain slope. Many of the houses there are made of wood, and a few are even covered in traditional shingles made of larch. The 15 granaries, stalls and alpine buildings on site are typical of the culture of the Walser people who migrated here from Valais. The village landscape remains wonderfully preserved. Even so, Monstein isn’t a fusty old museum piece – this is a place full of life. Around 180 people call Monstein home – almost as many as back in 1689. The village is home to a comprehensive school, a post office in the village store, two restaurants (Hotel Ducan and Vetlinerstübli), three joiner’s workshops, five farms – and Monstein brewery, naturally.

Lorena Paterlini

Every label made for Monsteiner’s speciality beers features an illustration by Lorena Paterlini. After completing her Bachelor’s in Art Education and Master’s specialising in illustration at Zurich University of the Arts and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, the Grisons native returned to the mountains of her youth. This is where she now works as a freelance illustrator and alpine farmer.

Ornaments in the countryside

The granaries typical of a Walser community are slightly raised, having been built on stilts. This protected the grain stored there from mice and other rodents. Today, they are ornaments adorning the alpine landscape.

Together for a Greener Davos in the Long Term

At Monsteiner, climate protection is a top priority. That’s why we are proud members of the «myclimate Climate Fund Davos». Together with other companies in Davos, we actively contribute to reducing CO₂. Our sustainability measures include selling our beer in environmentally friendly reusable containers, using 100% hydropower, and providing spent grain as animal feed to local farmers.

Experience Monsteiner

Discover the world of Monsteiner beer.

Our beers

Tempting beers and special brewer’s bites

Fruity, full-bodied or zesty: there’s a Monsteiner beer to suit every palate and every occasion. Classic house beer, refreshing wheat beer, strong dark lager or full-flavoured amber beer: every type has its own character. A true masterclass in the art of brewing.

Monsteiner takes its responsibility seriously

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As an independent Swiss brewery, we are committed to ensuring the responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages. This is why we ask you to confirm that you are over the age of 18 and that you accept our Privacy Policy.